Indian Trail Elementary School’s current playgrounds were in desperate need of an upgrade – Indian Trail is home to one of two Grove Preschool programs, in addition to kindergarten through sixth grade. Thanks to this wonderful community, the new playground is scheduled to be built in the Summer of 2023.
Fortunately, Indian Trail received a state grant to cover over 63% of the costs and District 58 chose to contribute toward the Preschool Playground Construction costs ($60,738), understanding the challenge we faced to fundraise for both playgrounds on a short timeline. DG58 also contributed toward the architect fees, as it did for other elementary schools installing new playgrounds ($11,200).
The Indian Trail community raised the final $36,000 in support of the new playgrounds – we are so fortunate to have a wonderful community of support and look forward to seeing many of you in August at the grand opening – more details to come!

Elementary School Playground!

Grove Preschool Playground!